Stella Yu

Educated at Harvard University and the University of California, Berkeley, and is a member of the Southern California Association of Harvard Business School. Stella was inducted into Marquis Who’s Who in 2023. In the same year, she was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award by Marquis Who’s Who and was named America’s Outstanding Entrepreneur. Stella is also a member of Dell Women Entrepreneurs and founder of Triple-I Foundation. At the same time, she is a volunteer member of the US federal agency.

She has been engaged in the education industry for 16 years and have trained thousands of outstanding students to continue their studies in various parts of the world such as the United States and the United Kingdom. Most students have stayed in the United States to continue working and furthering their studies. In 2018, Triple-I Group was established in Los Angeles and successively established Triple-I Education Co., Ltd., Triple-I Education Technology Co., Ltd., and Triple-I Foundation.

Ryna Zhao

Ms. Zhao, who has been admitted to many American Ivy League schools including Harvard and Stanford, is currently studying at Stanford. One of the founders of Triple-I Education Technology Co., Ltd. And Triple-I Foundation. She published many papers. She does not only help students improve their academic performance, but also guides each student to build strong internal Under her enlightenment, students can accurately discover their own strengths and characteristics, as well as effectively help students conceive and form complete stories when writing application essays. On top of that, she created the largest doctoral platform in California.

Yiming Cheng

Dr. Cheng graduated from the Conservatory of Music in Würzburg, Germany. Currently, she is a clarinet teacher in the Music Department of La Sierra University in Southern California and the Music Department of Pacific Academy in Irvine, Southern California, and the principal clarinetist of the Dana Point Symphony Orchestra in the United States. She has successfully held solo recitals many times. Also, she has been invited to perform at international art festivals, served as a judge for international clarinet competitions. With her professional guidelines, many students entered top music academies.

Ruizhen Li

A business elite, Ms. Li was once one of China’s most influential business wizards. After moving to the United States, she has helped many people build their own brands, turn business ideas into practical applications and assisted many people in creating business models. The business plans she handles will develop smoothly, make profits, and occupy a certain market share in a short period of time. Ms. Li is sincere and helps students establish a good social network so that students can have a large enough platform to spread their wings.

Cindy Liu

Graduated with a master’s degree in management from the University of New Zealand and has been engaged in the education industry for 12 years. Mr. Liu’s extreme love and passion for education has created many academic leaders and successful people. And lend a helping hand to students and parents when they are in trouble. During Ms. Liu’s career, she has helped thousands of students, including Chinese and American students studying in China, New Zealand, Australia, and the United Kingdom, apply for universities in the United States.

William C     PhD. University of Washington, MBA professor, and author.

Dr. Bill is a top management trainer active on the international stage. He has been invited to teach by many universities and companies in Hong Kong and China. In his educational career, he has helped countless students enter Ivy League schools and the top 30 universities in the United States. He is a curriculum consultant for many well-known business schools.

Mia Zhang  University of Southern California PhD.

Dr. Zhang was a former USC college counselor and has been deeply involved in educational planning and educational psychology for many years. She uses professional knowledge and practical experience to help more students enter their ideal university and embark on a successful life. Dr. Zhang is passionate about education and cares about every student from the bottom of her heart, so that students can overcome the confusion and confusion of adolescence. Under her guidance, students have undergone tremendous changes. Dr. Zhang’s students can be found in top universities in the United States such as Stanford, Harvard, Yale, etc. She applies psychology in her work and able to help students set up growth mindset within a short period of time.

Tie Bai   Clarinetist, Professor at the University of Southern California

One of the most active and famous Chinese clarinetists on the international wind music stage today. His performance tours have spread all over the United States, Europe, and Asia. Bai Tie has performed concerts with symphony orchestras from different countries.

In 1998, Mr. Bai initiated and organized the “98 Beijing International Clarinet Music Festival”, which was attended by world-famous performers from 16 countries and regions. It was the first international clarinet music festival held in Asia, including the largest one in the Pacific region. Activity. His solo album CD has been published in the United States and China, and his book “Clarine Tone Playing Method” has also been published in China.

Cindy Li       Master of Educational Studies from Northwestern University

Cindy has 8 years of educational work experience, assisting students in effective learning and helping hundreds of students enter Ivy League schools and ideal universities. Ms. Li has immense patience and tremendous energy to help students overcome learning bottlenecks and difficulties in life. At the same time, she is also a member of the Chinese Students Alliance.

Vanessa Fu    Department of Cardiology and Dermatology, Stanford Hospital

Vanessa is currently studying in Stanford, and she gained her degree in Biological Sciences from the University of California, San Diego. Her research focuses on neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease. She is currently working in the Department of Cardiology and Dermatology at Stanford Hospital. She is also one of the leaders of a non-profit health foundation. She spent two years as a teaching assistant in biology courses at UC San Diego. Vanessa has a lot of experience to share with students, whether it’s about studying life in an American high school or applying to colleges. She is also happy to advise future students interested in medical school.

Dave Huang Ph.D.,   Cornell University

Dr. Huang graduated from Cornell University, majoring in food science. Former Pfizer researcher and founder of Taoty. His teacher our students effective learning methods and help students improve their grades in a short term. Also, students find motivated when learning with him. At the same time, he helps students of different grades establish suitable social circles and help students better adapt to school and social activities.

Joy Lu    Master of Science in Education from University of Pennsylvania, USA.

Joy studied under Dr. Richard M. Ingersoll who drafted the famous education bill No Child Left Behind. He once served as a TOEFL Assessment Development Specialist at the ETS test center. She has served as a GRE/TOEFL lecturer and senior overseas employment consultant in many educational institutions at home and abroad. Joy has helped thousands of students apply for ideal internship and employment opportunities in the United States.

Kehan Li, who study from UCLA with a major in Financial Mathematics and Data Science Engineering.

One of the founders of Triple-I Education Technology Co., Ltd. and Triple-I Foundation. She has been a student mentor since high school, with six years of experience. She established an educational platform, and the outreach programs had over 100,000 views. Engaging in community service projects, she applies her knowledges to contribute to building a better education system. Her goal is to assist students to learn about their academic and career paths, inspiring them to uncover their potential and achieve their personal value.

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